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Science Game Lab portal beta announced in VentureBeat

Science Game Lab

“Science Game Lab to be a central hub for scientists and gamers”

Playmatics has teamed up with Scripps Research and we’ve been working on a new web portal just for citizen science games. We hope Science Game Lab will be a hub for the citizen science gaming community, and we already have some amazing citizen science / crowdsourced science projects in the portal pipeline and are preparing to launch.

From the article on VentureBeat:

[Benjamin] Good authored a review paper on the subject in 2011, and has been actively studying crowdsourcing, citizen science, and gaming as a project lead in Scripps’ computational biology research group.

The Science Game Lab portal will be a hub for citizen scientists, gamers, microvolunteers, students, researchers, educators, and developers to come together and advance science. Developers of citizen science platforms will be able to use Science Game Lab to incorporate game mechanics in their projects to increase their project’s appeal.

For example, citizen science projects or crowdsourced science resources like WikiPathways, will be able to reward contributor participation with badges, achievements, and the like after integrating with Science Game Lab.

“This feature can be incredibly valuable for citizen science project developers who do not have the resources to develop game mechanics and additional incentives for retaining their participants,” Good said. “Participant retention is often difficult for small citizen science projects. We hope our portal will be able to help. Participants will have an easy place to access their favorite citizen science projects and learn about other projects that may be of interest to them.”

You can read the full VentureBeat Article here.

Interested? You can go to to sign up to be notifying when we launch.

Calling all developers

If you have a citizen science game and would like to integrate with our platform, we want to meet you! Go to to sign up and contact to tell us about your project.

Playmatics has built an international reputation for evocative digital and real-world experiences.

Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss your product or brand goals.