Playmatics Leadership

Nicholas Fortugno
Chief Creative Officer

Nick Fortugno is recognized around the world as a leading game designer, narrative and storyexpert as well as an entrepreneur of digital and real-world games. He is Chief Creative Officer of Playmatics and oversees the design and creative vision for the company. A recognized game design leader worldwide, Fortugno is the original designer behind the blockbuster hit Diner Dash and also a co-founder of the Come Out & Play Festival of outdoor games and events.

Margaret Wallace is the co-founder of Playmatics.Wallace was named one of Forbes “12 Women in Gaming to Watch” and was previously highlighted by Fortune as one of “10 Powerful Women in Video Games.“

Ayiti: The Cost of Life

Platform(s): Mac, PC
Partners:gameLab, Playfirst
Nick Fortugno was lead designer

Miss Management
Platform(s): Mac, PC
Partners:gameLab, Playfirst
Nick Fortugno was lead designer